
Hi Parents! This week is flying by! I hope that you had a fantastic time at the fall festival this year! It was a great turn out, and I saw a lot of you there walking around with your students. Your kids all had your eye on me because they wanted to pie me in the face like last year... alas we did not do pies in the face this year, so that was a relief! Ha!

Some things to keep in mind: Tomorrow is conference week so the students will be dismissed 2 hours earlier than usual. We also have early release all of next week for our Conference Week. Thank you to those of you that have already sent in your conference forms. If you have not sent in your conference forms please send them with the student tomorrow- if the time does work please give me and idea of a time and a date that do work for you so that I can put you in that part of the schedule. ( I will confirm with you that, that time does or doesn't work so that you know whether I have seen the conference paper again.

Reading: This week we are wrapping up our own little Tele Novella- Esperanza. It has been fun to read a chapter book together as a class and as a grade and learn how to respond to literature

Writing: We dove right into our writing piece again- we are having a lot of lively debates that are backed up with reasons and examples- only to be followed by actually filling out a brainstorming page- They did their initial work along me locating text evidence. This week we are going to debate several different issues and the students are welcome to pick  any one of these articles and brainstorming ideas and expand or right about those thoughts those thoughts

Science: We are talking about Land Forms and specifically Landforms and in Georgia and how these landforms are created or destroyed by constructive and destructive forces

Social Studies: This week we are looking at Reconstruction- the time period after the world war and how the north and south were impacted both physically and monetarily

Math: We are working with decimals- we already covered comparing, ordering, adding and subtracting now we are working on multiplying and dividing fractions


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