IXL Expectations

My expectation is for students to do 50 minutes of IXL every week. On Monday, I tell them what standard we are working with and they have until the Sunday of that week to complete their 50 minutes.


IXL Usernames and Passwords

Aikens, skye
username: saikens@sedaliapark
password: grand72

Basile, Madeline R.
username: mbasile@sedaliapark
password: mb

Berry, Sidney A.
username: sberry@sedaliapark
password: seat61

Carstens, Chloe H.
username: ccarstens@sedaliapark
password: 18bread

Cash, A'Rizon C.
username: acash@sedaliapark
password: north87

Edmondson, Mackenzie
username: medmondson1@sedaliapark
password: 78please

Escandon, Jose V.
username: jescandon@sedaliapark
password: 71train

Johnson, Christopher
username: cjohnson@sedaliapark
password: cj

Kemp, jaylen
username: jkemp@sedaliapark
password: jk

Momaya, vivek
username: vmomaya1@sedaliapark
password: fresh52

Nicolas, Saul E.
username: snicolas@sedaliapark
password: enrique

Njau, Ashley W.
username: anjau@sedaliapark
password: list15

Peluso, Anthony J.
username: apeluso@sedaliapark
password: 38life

Perez, Juan
username: jperez@sedaliapark
password: jp

Roblero, Daisy
username: droblero@sedaliapark
password: dr

Rutherford, Theresa N.
username: trutherford@sedaliapark
password: 79soon

Schley, Kymenceya
username: kschley@sedaliapark
password: camp81

Shalin, Theodore H.
username: henryshalin254@sedaliapark
password: ts

Thompson, Mikaya K.
username: mthompson@sedaliapark
password: mt

Vailes, London C.
username: lvailes@sedaliapark
password: 28beat

Williams, Asia
username: awilliams@sedaliapark
password: north80

Wyche, Kayla I.
password: kayla

username: kaylawyche254@sedaliapark


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